10. How to connect the Fire TV stick to the P20 projector?


Here are the instructions:

  1. Connect the TV stick to power using the USB cable.
  2. Plug the TV stick into one of the HD ports on the projector.
  3. Select the HD option in the settings on the projector.

The content of the Fire TV stick will be displayed on the projection screen. Use the Fire Stick’s remote to select and stream your content.

If you cannot do it properly, please do not hesitate to contact Ultimea customer support at support@ultimea.com for further assistance.

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  • Comment author
    Yadira Batlle
    • Edited

    What’s going on with my Apollo p20? Doesn’t work with the fire tv HDMI1 or 2 and doesn’t work with my iPhone 11 either. I bought this bc the specifications clearly stated iPhone was compatible, didn’t specify which phone version. I am following your instructions to a T and it’s not connecting at all. Why?

  • Comment author

    Answer #10763 

    Make sure your TV stick is properly connected to the HDMI port of the projector. If it is correct please replace the TV stick with another one to check if the same situation exists.
    If there is no signal when your mobile phone is connected to the projector, please confirm the operation:

    1. Plug the iPhone Lightning HDMI cable into the phone connector and the projector HD1 or HD2 connector respectively
    2. Switch the signal source to the corresponding HDMI1 or HDMI2 connector
    If you make a mistake, please use the remote control or press the source switch button on the projector to correct it.
    3. Once connected, wait for 3-5s seconds for the page to appear.
    If this issue persists, please contact support@ultimea.com for further assistance. We will service you ASAP!


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