To achieve a better bass effect, please follow the steps and settings outlined below:
1. Check Netflix Audio Settings
Please make sure you have selected the appropriate audio settings for better sound quality.
Action: Navigate to "Audio & Subtitles" on the specific content page on Netflix.
Set the audio to: "English [Original]"/Other languages [Original]. (Please keep in mind that 5.1 Original is not recommended. )
This setting often provides better audio quality, which can enhance bass output.
2. Feel free to adjust the bass via the BassMX button on the remote control or upgrade to the latest ULTIMEA App version from the Apple Store/Google Play Store to get more refined adjustments.γPoseidon D70-APP OTA Upgrade Guideγ
[Note: We have upgraded the Poseidon D70 firmware to enhance bass effects, please pay attention to the app for OTA updates, the new firmware is V50 and the improvement is mainly reflected in enhancing the bass of the soundbar.]
If you still feel that the bass is insufficient, please do the following:
1. Turn Up the Soundbar Volume and adjust the Bass MX:
Action: Increase the soundbar volume to a level higher than 40-50 and Bass adjust to BS 6 to see if the bass effect improves.
2. To verify the bass effect, please connect your phone to the Bluetooth and play music with more bass from YouTube: [Way Down Deep]
3. Check: Place your hand on the subwoofer to feel the vibration amplitude. A strong vibration indicates the subwoofer is functioning properly.
Bass comes primarily from the soundbar itself. The soundbar is designed to deliver a full range of audio, including bass frequencies, while the subwoofer is tuned for deeper bass effects.[Poseidon D70 subwoofer principle]
If the issue persists after following these steps, please contact our customer support team for further assistance.
Please provide a video to show the problem and provide the audio source. Thank you!
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