Nova S40 Customized Software-V32


Improvement points:
1. Improve sound quality.

2. Balance the bass.

3. Update Bluetooth notification sound

The upgrade method is as follows:
1. Place the file named "fw5000.upd" into the root directory of the USB disk.


USB format: FAT32, 128GB or less capacity;

If the file ending with "upd" does not have this name, you need to rename the file to "fw5000.upd".

2. After powering on, insert the USB disk, "UP--" will be displayed, and it will change to "-" after a few seconds. Enter standby mode, and "-" will be displayed. 

3. Restart the soundbar and press and hold the MUSIC button for 5 seconds. If the display shows the software version number "V32", it means the software update is successful.

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  • Comment author

    The update file doesn't work on my phone and I don't have a computer or that disk thing ot mentioned I have no clue how to proceed

  • Comment author

    Hello Danielle,
    To better assist you, could you please provide us with more details about your audio requirements? 
    In the meantime, we would like to advise against updating the software unless absolutely necessary. 
    If you don't have a computer or the required disk, we suggest considering asking family or friends for help or reaching out to our support team for further assistance. They will be more than happy to guide you through the process and help you find a solution that works best for you.

  • Comment author

    My Nova S40 has been having issues on V29. ARC audio suffers from crackling regardless of hdmi at random intervals on occasion. I was hoping I could update to v32 but seems despite following instructions (Name of file, filesystem fat32, and place in root of usb) it refuses to acknowledge the drive to update.

  • Comment author
    • Edited

    Pour mettre à jour la Nova S40 version V32, les soi-disant ingénieur de chez nova on juste oublier de vous dire que la clef USB doit être converti a l'ancien système MBR si votre clef USB est en GPT elle ne sera pas reconnue par la barre de son même si elle est formaté en FAT32 donc pour que ça marche il faut absolument que la clef soit au format MBR et formaté en FAT32 ensuite vous mettez directement le fichier fw5000.upd dans la clef USB vous le brachez sur le port USB de la Nova S40 si elle n'est pas détecté de suite, éteindre et rallumer la barre de son et la elle sera reconnue et fera la mise a jour pour le reste suivre le tuto ^_^


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